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Fall 2004

EE 201  : Circuit Theory I

Middle East Technical University

Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department

Homework Assignments

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Course Outline:


The first course of two foundational courses on circuit analysis. Topics introduced in EE 201 are basic circuit components, mathematical modeling of the components, the analysis methods for a given network (circuit) with the introduced components and the design circuits for a typical application.


EE201 and EE202 courses establish the foundation for successful careers in all disciplines of EE. The sequence of courses is centered at the intersection of many sub-fields of EE such as control systems, electronic design, hardware design, RF design, signal processing and more. At the end of the course, the electric circuit analysis methods and approaches to the network problems (not only in circuit analysis) should be as much familiar to you as the linear algebra, or basic calculus problems.



Dr. Ismet Erkmen, Dr. Yesim Serinagaoglu, Dr. Engin Tuncer, Dr. Yildirim Uctug, Dr. Zafer Unver, Dr. Cagatay Candan


Reference Books:

1.      The Electric Circuits, J.W. Nilsson and S.A. Riedel, Prentice Hall 1996 (6th edition or newer).  TK454 N54 2000 (Library  Call #)

2.      The Analysis and Design of Linear Circuits, R.E. Thomas and A.J. Rosa 1998 (2nd edition or newer)  TK454 T466

3.      Linear and Nonlinear Circuits, L.O. Chua, C.A. Desoer and E.S. Kuh, McGraw-Hill, 1987.  TK454 C559

The reference books can be checked out from the reserve section of the library.



1.      Introduction, circuit variables, lumped elements and lumped circuits, Kirchhoff’s  laws,

2.      Linear, non-linear, time-invariant, time-variant resistive circuits.

a.      Linearity

b.      Node, Mesh, Superposition, Thevenin and Norton Equivalents

3.      Graph theory, circuit analysis through directed graphs, systematic methods for the circuit analysis

4.      Two ports, operational amplifiers

5.      Dynamic circuit elements, waveforms

6.      First order circuits, RC-RL circuits, state equations, natural response, etc.

7.      Second order circuits, RLC circuits.


(Section 06)