Spring 2004
EE 202 : Circuit Theory
Electrical and Electronics
Engineering Department
Course Outline:
EE 202 is the second foundational course on circuit
analysis. The introduced topics are: time, frequency and s-domain analysis of
Nth order dynamic circuits, characterization of Nth order dynamics in terms of
transient, steady-state, zero-input, zero-state responses, examination of AC circuits -steady-state
analysis, i.e. phasor domain, AC power calculations, three phase power
calculations-, and an application of frequency domain analysis to filter
design. If time permits, an illustration of the state-space methods (state
equations) on non-linear circuits will be given.
In our curriculum, EE 201 and EE
202 courses serve two purposes. The first purpose is to introduce the circuit
analysis methods and illustrate the application of these methods. The second one is to introduce the basic concepts
of linear system theory through the study of circuits. The linear system theory
is a well founded theory that is used in diverse areas such as the mechanical
system analysis, control theory, signal processing, biology, astronomy etc. The
linear system theory have highly useful tools for analysis if the governing
equation of a dynamic system can be represented in differential or difference
equation form. Some of these tools are also introduced in EE 202 through the
study of dynamic circuits.
Dr. Ismet Erkmen, Dr. Engin Tuncer, Dr. Yildirim Uctug, Dr. Zafer Unver, Dr. Cagatay Candan
Reference Books:
1. The Electric
Circuits, J.W. Nilsson and S.A. Riedel, Prentice Hall 1996 (6th
edition or newer).
TK454 N54 2000 (Library Call #)
2. The Analysis and Design of Linear
Circuits, R.E. Thomas and A.J. Rosa 1998 (2nd edition or newer) TK454 T466
3. Linear and
Nonlinear Circuits, L.O.
The reference books can be checked out from the
reserve section of the library.
1. Systematic Methods for the Analysis of Dynamic Circuits
2. Response of Nth order Dynamic Circuit
3. S Domain Analysis
4. Sinusoidal Steady State Analysis
5. Balanced Three Phase Circuits
6. Filter Design: Application of Frequency Domain Analysis
(Section 05)