
  • Final Exams have been graded (Jan. 16)
    You may examine your papers on Jan 18, between 14:30-15:30, EA209.
  • Study Problems for Final (Dec. 26):
    Therrien: 6.25, 6.27
    Therrien: 7.2, 7.5, 7.10, 7.12
    Hayes: 7.2, 7.8
  • 2nd Exam solutions (Dec. 26)
  • 2nd Exam has been graded (Dec 24).
  • 2nd Exam Review Problems: Therrien - 5.1, 5.4, 5.11, 5.27, 4.18, 4.16.
    One (or more) of these problems will appear in the exam. Be aware that I will slightly modify Therrien's problems, do not memorize the solutions.
  • You can pick graded Hw4, Hw5 from my office, C-105.
  • Solutions of Homework #5 is posted (Dec. 14)
  • Solutions of Homework #4 is posted (Dec. 6)
  • Problem suggestion system is alive.
    Send suggested exam problems to my email (in jpeg format).
    I will upload them to a DB and let all students registered to the course see the problems.
    The person suggesting a problem appearing in the exam gets full credit from that problem.
  • Homework #5 is posted (due : Dec. 8)
  • Homework #4 is posted (due : Nov. 17)
  • First Midterm on Nov. 11, 17:40-19:30, EA 209
  • Homework #3 solutions are available.
  • Handout #2 (Stochastic Processes by A. Willsky) is available at copy center.
  • Homework #2 is assigned (due: Oct. 20)
  • Homework #1 is assigned (due: Sept. 29)

Lecture Notes (available for on-campus connections)

Assigned Homeworks

Homework Solutions (available for on-campus connections)

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EE 503

Signal Analysis and Processing


Course Description:


The course goal is to establish the fundamentals required for the study of advanced signal processing methods. The course emphasizes processing of random signals which is the topic of statistical signal processing; but an overview of deterministic signals and their processing techniques is also given. The students are expected to have familiarity of basic linear algebra, basic random processes and undergraduate level signal processing techniques.  The course is a pre-requiste for EE504.


Course Outline:


  1. Deterministic Signals and Processing Methods
    1. Review of linear algebra (Matrices, basis expansions, linear space, sub-space, special matrices, eigenvalue-eigenvector)
    2. Review of DSP topics, (Fourier Transform, Z-transform, Linear time invariant systems, impulse response, convolution, connections of DSP operators with matrices, convolution matrix, downsampling matrix, projection  matrix etc.)
    3. Review of discrete time processing of continuous signals (Fundamental idea of DSP)
  2. Random Signals
    1. Probability and random processes
    2. Expectations, mean and moment calculations, characteristic functions
    3. Ergodicity (mean ergodic, auto-correlation ergodic)
    4. Power spectrum density
    5. Random vectors, auto-correlation matrices, covariance
    6. Gaussian processes
  3. Parameter estimation
    1. Bias, consistency
    2. MS estimation
    3. Linear MS estimation
    4. Cramer – Rao bound and efficient estimates
    5. LS estimates
    6. Applications to signal modelling
  4. Optimal Filtering
    1. AR, MA, ARMA models
    2. Wiener Filtering, Linear Prediction
    3. Lattice implementations
  5. Signal Modeling
    1. LS, Pade, Prony
    2. Lattice filters, Levinson Recursion


Grading: HW’s with Matlab assignments plus two midterms and a final



  1. Charles. W. Therrien, “Discrete Random Signals And Statistical Processing,” Prentice Hall, 1992. (will be followed closely)
  2. M.H. Hayes, “Statistical Digital Signal Processing and Modelling”, Wiley, 1996. (textbook of EE504, highly recommended, slightly more advanced)
  3. A. Papoulis, “Probability, Random Variables and Stochastic Processes,” Mc-Graw Hill, 1984. (very valuable reference book, contains topics of EE503, EE504, EE531 and more)



Instructor: Çağatay Candan, C-105, 210-2355, ccandan .at. metu