Homeworks   Learn Your Grades   Distribution of Grades


  • After two semesters of EE 201 and EE 202 study with the same group, that is 14 x 2 weeks x 4 hours per week; I have managed to learn the names of the students and even their preferred seating arrangements! I do not take attendances during the lectures, (this is a principle that I enjoy following, unless there is another rule overwriting it). But during EE 202, I have collected attendances three times. I believe all three times represent typical group of attending students. The following shows the distribution of the grades of the attending and non-attending students according to this data. I am calling the following link as the Importance of Attendance link, I think you will agree with me if you open the link.
  • List of all grades
  • MT1 results are announced. (April 19)
  • Homework #3 (ZPS-IV): Problems 4, 5 and 7 due April 19.
  • Homework #2 (ZPS-II Problems: 2, 5, 9, 10, 13 and ZPS-III Problems: 2, 3, 6) is due April 5, 2010.
  • Homework #1 is posted.


Spring 2009-10


Middle East Technical University

Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department


EE 202




Instructors:  E. Tuna, E. Tuncer, Y. Serinağaoğlu, Ç. Candan, Z. Ünver.


Reference Texts


1.      Fundamentals of Electric Circuits, Alexander and Sadiku, 4th edition, 2009. (Textbook)

2.      The Electric Circuits, J.W. Nilsson and S.A. Riedel, Prentice Hall 1996 (6th edition or newer).  TK454 N54 2000 (Library  Call #)

3.      The Analysis and Design of Linear Circuits, R.E. Thomas and A.J. Rosa 1998 (2nd edition or newer)  TK454 T466

4.      Linear and Nonlinear Circuits, L.O. Chua, C.A. Desoer and E.S. Kuh, McGraw-Hill, 1987.  TK454 C559

The reference books can be checked out from the reserve section of the library.



Course Outline


I.                    Linear Time-Invariant Dynamic Circuits 


1.    Node, modified node and mesh equations.

2.    Homogeneous, particular and complete solutions.

       Zero-input and zero-state solutions.

   Linearity and time-invariance.

3.    Complex exponential function.

4.    Natural response; natural frequencies; bounded/unbounded responses;

       modes and mode excitation.

5.    Particular solution for complex exponential inputs.

   Phasors; KVL and KCL in the phasor domain; phasor domain  elements,   

       impedance and admittance; phasor domain circuits.


II.                  Sinusoidal Steady-State (SSS) Analysis


1.        Periodic functions; average and effective values.

2.        Responses of LTI dynamic circuits to sinusoidal excitations;

       transient/steady-state responses.

3.        Analysis of phasor domain circuits.

4.        Passive one-ports: resistive, inductive and capacitive one-ports.

5.        Phasor diagrams.

6.        Superposition in the SSS.  

7.        Instantaneous, average, complex, real, reactive and apparent powers;power factor; conservation of power.

8.        Power calculations in the SSS; superposition in power calculations.

9.        Power factor correction.

10.    Maximum power transfer.


III.                Balanced Three-Phase Circuits 


1.    Three-phase voltage sources and loads; Y and D connections.

2.    Analysis of balanced three-phase circuits.

3.    Power calculations.


IV.               Complex Frequency Domain Analysis 


1.        Laplace transformation.

Real rational functions; poles and zeros; partial fraction expansion.

2.        Solution of formulation equation by Laplace transformation.

3.        Complex frequency domain voltages and currents;  KVL and KCL in the complex  frequency domain; complex frequency domain elements,  impedance and admittance; complex frequency domain circuits.

4.    Analysis of complex frequency domain circuits.

5.    System functions: input and transfer functions; impulse response and  

       convolution integral; step response; SSS response.


V.                 Frequency Response 


1.   Frequency response functions; magnitude and phase characteristics.

2.      Filters

      First order lowpass, highpass and allpass passive LC filters.

      Second order lowpass, highpass, bandpass, bandstop and allpass passive  LC 

      and active RC filters.

3.      Parallel and series resonance: resonant frequency, quality factor,resonance  circuits with finite-Q capacitors and inductors.

4.   Magnitude and frequency scalings.

5.   Bode plots.


VI.               State Equations 


1.       State equation formulation of LTI dynamic circuits.

2.       Solution of state equation; state transition matrix.

3.       State equation formulation of time-varying and nonlinear dynamic circuits.