Researcher ID,
Google Scholar,
Journal Publications:
- C. Candan, F. Pascal, "Covariance Matrix Estimation of Texture Correlated Compound-Gaussian Vectors for Adaptive Radar Detection,"
IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and Electronic Systems,
vol.59, no.3, p. 3009-3020, June 2023,
code ocean.
- E. Mehmetcik, U. Orguner, C. Candan, "An Approximate MSE Expression for Maximum Likelihood and Other Implicitly Defined Estimators of Non-Random Parameters,"
Elsevier Signal Processing,
vol.186, article number. 108838, March 2023,
code ocean.
- Ö. Çayir, C. Candan, "Maximum likelihood autoregressive model parameter estimation with noise corrupted independent snapshots,"
Elsevier Signal Processing,
vol.186, article number. 108118, Sept. 2021,
code ocean.
- C. Candan, U. Çelebi, "Frequency estimation of a single real-valued sinusoid: An invariant function approach",
Elsevier Signal Processing, vol. 185, article num. 108098, August 2021,
code ocean.
- Ş. B. Akdemir, C. Candan, "Maximum-likelihood direction of arrival estimation under intermittent jamming",
Elsevier Digital Signal Processing, vol. 113, article num. 103028, June 2021,
- C. Candan, "Chebyshev Center Computation on Probability Simplex
With α-Divergence Measure",
IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 27, p. 1515-1519, 2020,
code ocean.
- C. U. Ungan, C. Candan, T. Ciloglu, "A Space-Time Coded Mills Cross MIMO Architecture to Improve
DOA Estimation and Its Performance Evaluation by Field Experiments,"
IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and Electronic Systems,
vol.56, no.3, p. 1807-1818,
June 2020, pdf.
- Ö. Çayir, C. Candan, "Transmit beamformer design
with a PAPR constraint to trade-off between beampattern shape and power efficiency,"
Elsevier Digital Signal Processing,
vol.99, no.-, p. -, article number. 102674, April 2020,
code ocean.
- C. Candan, "Making linear prediction perform like maximum
likelihood in Gaussian autoregressive model parameter estimation,"
Elsevier Signal Processing,
vol.166, no.-, p. -, article number. 107256, Jan. 2020,
code ocean.
- Ö. Çayir, C. Candan, "Performance Improvement
of Time-Balance Radar Schedulers Through Decision Policies,"
IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and Electronic Systems,
vol.54, no.4, p. 1679-1691,
Aug. 2018, pdf.
(extended version)
- O. Coşkun, C. Candan, "Design of Maisel
sidelobe blankers with a guarantee on the gap to optimality,"
IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation, vol.10, no.9, p. 1619-1626,
Dec. 2016, pdf.
- M. Ispir, C. Candan, "On the design of staggered
moving target indicator filters," IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation,
vol.10, no.1, p. 205-215, Jan. 2016, pdf.
- C. Candan, "Fine resolution frequency estimation
from three DFT samples: Case of windowed data", Elsevier
Signal Processing, vol. 114, p. 245-250, Sept. 2015, pdf.
- C. Candan, S. Koç, "Direction finding accuracy
of sequential lobing under target amplitude fluctuations," IET
Radar, Sonar & Navigation, vol.9, no.1, p. 92-103, Jan.
2015, pdf.
- U. Orguner, C. Candan, "A Fine-Resolution Frequency
Estimator Using an Arbitrary Number of DFT Coefficients," Elsevier
Signal Processing, vol. 105, p. 17-21, Dec. 2014, pdf.
- C. Candan, H. Inan, "A unified framework
for derivation and implementation of Savitzky–Golay filters",
Elsevier Signal Processing, vol. 104, p. 203-211, Nov.
2014, pdf.
- C. Candan, "Analysis and Further Improvement
of Fine Resolution Frequency Estimation Method From Three DFT Samples,"
IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol.20, no.9, p. 913–916,
Sept. 2013, pdf.
- fine_freq_est.m (Matlab
function for the estimator)
- Also see Eric Jacobsen's and
Cedron Dawg's pages on frequency estimation
- FPGA and ASIC implementation of the estimator:
- H. K. Sahu, E. Sarkar, P. Sathe and L. Somappa, "All-Digital High-Resolution Frequency Measurement SoC for Rapid MEMS Readouts," IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), Singapore, 2024, ieeexplore.
- C. Candan, "An Upper Bound on the Capacity
Loss Due to Imprecise Channel State Information for General Memoryless
Fading Channels," IEEE Communications Letters, vol.17,
no.7, p. 1348–1351, July 2013, pdf.
- C. Candan, U. Orguner, "The moment function
for the ratio of correlated generalized gamma variables," Statistics
& Probability Letters, Volume 83, Issue 10, p. 2353–2356,
Oct. 2013, pdf.
- C. Candan, "Capacity of Zero-Outage Scheme
Under Imprecise Channel State Information," IEEE Communication
Letters, Volume 17, Issue 1, p. 127-130, Jan. 2013, pdf.
- C. Candan, "A Low Complexity Two-Stage Target
Detection Scheme for Resource Limited Radar Systems," IEEE
Trans. Aerospace and Electronics Systems, Volume 49, Issue
1, p. 594-601, Jan. 2013, pdf.
- C. Candan, Y.B. Erol, "Conjugate directions
based order recursive implementation of post-Doppler adaptive target
detectors," IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation, vol.6,
no.7, p. 577-586, August 2012, pdf.
- B. Gurakan, C. Candan, T. Ciloglu, "CFAR
processing with switching exponential smoothers for nonhomogeneous
environments," Elsevier Digital Signal Processing, Vol.
22, No.3, p. 407-416, May 2012, pdf.
- C. Candan, "An Accurate and Efficient Two-Stage
Channel Estimation Method Utilizing Training Sequences with Closed
Form Expressions," IEEE Transactions on Communications,
Vol. 59, No. 12, p. 3259-3264, Dec. 2011, pdf.
- C. Candan, "Digital Wideband Integrators
with Matching Phase and Arbitrarily Accurate Magnitude Response,"
IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems II, Vol. 58, No. 9, p.
610-614, Sept. 2011, pdf.
- "Digital Wideband Integrators with Matching Phase and Arbitrarily
Accurate Magnitude Response (Extended Version)," May 2011,
(The extended version presents some experimental results on the
suggested integrators. This version could not be published as
it is due to space limitations.)
- C. Candan, "A Method For Fine Resolution
Frequency Estimation From Three DFT Samples," IEEE Signal
Processing Letters, Vol. 18, No.6, p. 351-354, June 2011, pdf.
- A. Coşkun, C. Candan, "Transmit Precoding
for Flat Fading MIMO Multiuser Systems with Maximum Ratio Combining
Receivers," IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology, Volume
60, Issue 2, p. 710-716, 2011, pdf.
- Y. Soydan, C. Candan, "A Feedback Quantization
Scheme Leveraging Fairness and Throughput for Heterogeneous Multi-User
Diversity Systems," IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology,
Volume 59, Issue 5, p. 2610-2614, 2010, pdf.
- C. Candan, A.O. Yilmaz, "Efficient Methods
of Clutter Suppression for Coexisting Land and Weather Clutter Systems,"
IEEE Trans. Aerospace and Electronics Systems, Volume 45,
Issue 4, p. 1641-1650, 2009, pdf.
- A. Koc, H.M. Ozaktas, C. Candan, M.A. Kutay,
"Digital Computation of Linear Canonical Transforms," IEEE Transactions
on Signal Processing, vol.56, no.6, p. 2383-2394, June 2008,
- C. Candan, "On Higher Order Approximations
for Hermite - Gaussian Functions And Discrete Fractional Fourier
Transforms", IEEE Signal Proc. Letters, Volume 14,
Issue 10, Oct. 2007 Page(s):699 - 702, pdf.
- C. Candan, "An Efficient Filtering Structure
For Lagrange Interpolation," IEEE Signal Processing Letters,
Vol. 14, No.1, p. 17-19, Jan. 2007, pdf
- C. Candan, "Derivation of Length Extension
Formulas For Complementary Sets of Sequences Using Orthogonal Filterbanks,"
Electronics Letters, Volume 42, Issue 24, p. 1427-1428,
2006, pdf.
- C. Candan, H.M. Ozaktas, "Sampling and series
expansion theorems for fractional Fourier and other transforms,"
Signal Processing, vol. 83, p. 2455-2457 (2003) pdf.
- L. Barker, C. Candan, T. Hakioglu, M.A. Kutay
and H.M. Ozaktas, "The harmonic oscillator, Harper's equation, and
the discrete fractional Fourier transform," Journal of Physics
A: Mathematical, Vol:33, p. 2209-2222, March 2000, pdf.
- C. Candan, M. A. Kutay and H. M.Ozaktas, "The
discrete fractional Fourier Transform," IEEE Trans. On Signal
Processing, Vol:48, p. 1329-1337, May 2000, pdf.
- M.A. Kutay, M.F. Erden, H.M. Ozaktas, O.Arikan, O. Guleryuz and
C. Candan "Space-bandwidth efficient realizations
of linear systems," Optics Letters, 23: 1069-1071, 1998,
Conference Publications:
- E. Mehmetcik, C. Candan, "Prediction and representation of array performance under sensor failure," UDT 2019, pdf
- G. Gurer, S. Koc, C. Candan, U. Orguner, "Slow Moving Target Detection for Airborne Radar Systems by Dynamic Programming on SAR Images
," IEEE Radar 2019, pdf
- D. Dinler, C. Candan, S. Koc, "A study on the performance
of a complementary auxiliary antenna pattern for Maisel sidelobe
blanker," IEEE Radar 2018, pdf
- G. Güvensen, C. Candan, "On the impact of fast-time
and slow-time preprocessing operations on adaptive target detectors,"
IEEE Radar 2018, pdf
- M.O. Padar, A.E. Ertan, C. Candan, "Classification of human
motion using radar micro-Doppler signatures with hidden Markov models,"
IEEE Radar 2016, pdf.
- G. Güvensen, C. Candan, S. Koç, U. Orguner, "On
Generalized Eigenvector Space For Target Detection in Reduced Dimensions,"
IEEE Radar 2015, pdf.
- O.T. Alemdaroglu, C. Candan, S. Koç "
The radar application of micro Doppler features from human motions,"
IEEE Radar 2015, pdf.
- C. Candan, A.O. Yilmaz, E.S. Ata "Effect of Carrier Frequency Estimation Error On Clutter Filtering For Magnetron Based Coherent Systems," ERAD 2014, pdf
- O. Coskun, C. Candan, "On The Optimality of Maisel Sidelobe
Blanking Structure," IEEE Radar 2014, pdf
(with minor corrections).
- M. Ispir, C. Candan, "Least Square and Min-Max Design of
MTI Filters With Nonuniform Interpulse Periods," IEEE Radar
2013, pdf.
- C. Candan, S. Koc, "Beamspace Approach for Detection of the
Number of Coherent Sources," IEEE Radar 2012, pdf.
- C. Candan, "On The Design of Mismatched Filters With An Adjustable
Matched Filtering Loss," IEEE Radar 2010, pdf,
- C. Candan, "On the Optimality of Detectors Defined Over The
Ambiguity Plane," IEEE Radar 2009, pdf.
- C. Candan, A.O. Yilmaz, "Efficient Methods of Doppler Processing
for Coexisting Land and Weather Clutter," IEEE Radar 2008,
- C. Candan, "On the Implementation of Optimal Receivers for
LFM Signals Using Fractional Fourier Transform" IEEE Radar
2008, pdf.
- C. Candan, "A Transcoding Robust Data Hiding Method for Image
Communication Applications," IEEE ICIP 2005. pdf
- C. Candan, N. Jayant, "A Minimal Distortion Data Hiding Method
for Compressed Images," IEEE MMSP (Multimedia Signal Proc. Workshop)
2002. pdf
- C. Candan, "A Multiple Description Coding Scheme based on the
Chinese Remainder Theorem," IEEE ICASSP'02. pdf
- C. Candan, N. Jayant, "A new interpretation of data hiding capacity'',
IEEE ICASSP 2001. pdf
- C. Candan, M.A. Kutay and H.M. Ozaktas, "The discrete fractional
Fourier transform," IEEE ICASSP'99, March 1999. pdf
Publications in Turkish:
- Cagatay Candan, "Parameter Estimation For Bursty-Intermittent Observations", SIU 2020, pdf,
- Utku Celebi, Cagatay Candan, "A Computationally Efficient Fine Frequency Estimation Method for Harmonic Signals", SIU 2020
- Safak Bilgi Akdemir, Cagatay Candan, "Study of angle of arrival
estimation performance of MVDR and Capon methods under intermittent
interference", SIU 2018, pdf.
- Umay Ezgi Deniz, Cagatay Candan, "A low-complexity precoder-decoder
design in multiuser downlink MIMO communication systems for common
and private information transmission", SIU 2018, pdf.
- Nusret Çelenk, Cagatay Candan, "An investigation of
least squares based methods for source localization from time difference
of arrival measurements", SIU 2017, pdf.
- Alper Yazar; Cagatay Candan "Analysis window length selection
for linear signal models", SIU 2015, pdf.
- Erdal Epçaçan, Tolga Çiloglu, Cagatay Candan,
Erdal Mehmetcik, "Removing grating lobes in sparse sensor arrays
with a nonlinear approach", SIU 2015, pdf.
- Osman Coskun, Cagatay Candan, "On the optimality of Maisel
sidelobe blanking system", SIU 2015, pdf.
- Özge Topuz Alemdaroglu, Cagatay Candan, Sencer Koç,
"The extraction of micro-Doppler features from human motions",
SIU 2014, pdf.
- Mehmet Ispir, Cagatay Candan, "Min-max design of MTI filters
with non-uniform pulse repetition intervals", SIU 2013, pdf.
- Günes Otlu, Cagatay Candan, "A sequential classification
algorithm for autoregressive processes and its application on radar
targets", SIU 2012, pdf.
- Safak Bilgi Akdemir, Cagatay Candan, "Mismatched filter design
in MIMO radar", SIU 2012, pdf.
- Yusuf Soydan, Cagatay Candan, "Exploiting multiuser diversity
with quality of service for heterogeneous users", SIU 2011,
- Safak Bilgi Akdemir; Cagatay Candan, "Moving target detection
with MIMO radar", SIU 2011, pdf.
- Burak Balci, Cagatay Candan, "Dual apodization in the detection
of a sinusoidal signal under the effect of interference". SIU
2011, pdf.
- E. Mehmetcik, S.Yilmaz, S. Erdogdu, E. Topçu, E. Epçaçan,
C. Candan, U. Orguner, O. Sipahigil, T. Çiloglu,
"Üçlü Hidrofon Yapisina Sahip Çekili
Dizinlerde Ana Gemi Gürültüsü Ve Dip/Yüzey
Yansimalarinin Silinmesini Saglayan Bir Yöntem", Türk
Patent - 2015/12762,
- Ertan Ali Erdem; Padar, Mehmet Onur; Candan, Cagatay;
A Method For Motion Classification Using a Pulsed Radar System; European Patent Office,
EP3417311 (B1),
Thesis, Report and Other Publications:
- M.S. Thesis: "Discrete Fractional Fourier
Transform," Advisor: Haldun Ozaktas, Bilkent University, 1998.
- Ph.D. Thesis: "Minimum Distortion Data Hiding
For Compressed Images," Advisor: Nikil Jayant, Georgia Institute
of Technology, 2004. link
to download
- Book Chapter: H.M. Ozaktas, M.A. Kutay, C. Candan,
"Chapter 14: Fractional Fourier Transform" in Transforms
and Applications Handbook 3rd Edition, Edited by: Alexander
D. Poularikas, 2010. pdf
- IEEE SPM Column: C. Candan, "On the Eigenstructure
of DFT Matrices" IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, DSP Education
Column, vol. 28, Issue 2, p. 105-108, March 2011, pdf.
- IEEE SPM Column: C. Candan, "Properly Handling
Complex Differentiation in Optimization and Approximation Problems"
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, Lecture Notes Column, vol. 36,
Issue 2, p. 117-124, March 2019, pdf.
- IEEE SPM Column: C. Candan, "Proper Definition and Handling of Dirac Delta Functions"
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, Lecture Notes Column, vol. 38,
Issue 3, p. 186-203, May 2021, pdf.
- Other: C. Candan, "Optimal Sharpening of
CIC Filters and An Efficient Implementation Through Saramaki-Ritoniemi
Decimation Filter Structure (Extended Version)", pdf,
MATLAB codes.
- Other: C. Candan, "Changing Signal Scale
or Sampling Rate "Gently'' By Fractional Delay Filtering",
(Extended Version), pdf,
- Other: C. Candan, "An Automated Window Selection
Procedure For DFT Based Detection Schemes To Reduce Windowing SNR
Loss", pdf,
- Other: C. Candan, "A Simple Proof of F(1,1,1;2,2;x)=dilog(1-x)/x",
C64 Programing Publications:
While searching on the net, I have found this retro site
hosting memorable items related with first home computers in Turkey.
I fondly remember submitting a few computer programs (in BASIC) to the program döküm eki
(programming supplement) of Commodore monthly magazine published by Teleteknik company (distributor of C64 in Turkey) when I was in secondary school.
Without any further ado, here they are:
- Futbol ligi, Commodore 64 PDE, Sayi 44, Ekim 1989, pdf (2 MB).
- Vector reply, Commodore 64 PDE, Sayi 50, Nisan 1990, pdf (7 MB).
- Adam asmaca, Commodore 64 PDE, Sayi 51, Mayis 1990, pdf (10 MB).
- Süper Toto, Commodore 64 PDE, Sayi 53, Temmuz 1990, pdf (13 MB).
- Randevu Defteri, Commodore 64 PDE, Sayi 53, Temmuz 1990, pdf (13 MB).